
Vermont and New York boast of different charms. Daniel D. Purjes here. I’m a college graduate pursuing nature photography in Vermont. Spending most of my childhood and early adulthood in New York gave me grounds to explore different art forms such as drawing, painting, and graphic design. However, I found my true passion in photography.

The two states provide photographers with varying perspectives, yet it’s their artistic touch that makes the difference in the subjects they shoot. Pursuing nature photography in Vermont has taught me to stay more in the moment and see the beauty of its landscapes. It offers majestic sights like parks, lakes, rivers, and mountains, providing visitors and locals with a refreshed appreciation for nature.

While most people think a DSLR camera is the best asset a photographer can have, it is actually their skill in capturing moments that makes a great photographer. To consider a photography kit an investment would be the better way to put it. Growing up, I admired the works of Berenice Abbott, Irving Penn, and other photographers who improved the industry. Now, I try to follow the footsteps of the world’s best nature photographers.